Friday, January 18, 2013

A Fond Fare-thee-well to Our Fellow Writer and Scholar Logan Hughes

Below is an unconventional sonnet I wrote for Logan using Googlism to generate content that I then edited. Add your well wishes to Logan in the comment box below.

Logan, please continue to visit us on the blog.

Best of luck in Indiana.
Sonnet for Logan Hughes

Logan is expecting an emotional finale.
Logan is psychic.
Logan is pissed.
Logan is an idealist.
Logan is surrounded by water.
Logan is the narrator.
Logan is a must for every school's curriculum.
Logan is more than just a child whom I have known.

Hughes is still the boss.
Hughes is huge news.
Hughes is one of the most popular writers.
Hughes is one of the most important scholars.
Hughes is on the move.
Hughes is a wizard.

January 18, 2013
by Mr. James Cook with help from Googlism

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